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8 Great Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe this Halloween

Jun 10, 2024
Two small dogs wearing sweaters are sitting in a dog bed.

Halloween is upon us once again. It’s tons of fun; homes are decorated in hopes of scaring little children dressed up as angels, pumpkins, and vampires, and who could forget the CANDY!

Unfortunately, Halloween is also one of the most dangerous time of the year for our pets and the busiest for Pet Poison help lines and veterinarians who typically see a 12 percent spike in calls over the holiday. Most often, the calls are due to food related Halloween hazards like chocolate, raisins, and candy wrappers which are incredibly dangerous for dogs.

As parents (of the human and canine kind), it is important to sit down with your children and talk to them about the importance of keeping candy off the floor and out of reach of pets before they go out to collect their bounty.

What can you do to protect your dog on Halloween?

Here are some tips to help thwart accidental ingestion and teach your kids to not leave candy where dogs can get to it.

  1. Encourage your children to keep all candy in a bag, basket, or bucket. Although unhealthy, dogs will go to great lengths to get chocolate and other candy (just like your kids).
  2. Explain to children the importance of keeping all candy in one place and to be sure to throw empty wrappers in the garbage rather than leaving them lying around.
  3. Create a labeled space on the kitchen counter or dining room table specifically for your child’s candy bucket. When they get back from trick-or-treating the bucket should be placed in the proper location and not just sitting on the floor.
  4. If your dog is a jumper, it’s best to hide candy on top of the refrigerator or a high cabinet far out of reach. Avoid low cabinets as your pooch will simply smell it and open the door with their head or paw. (make sure there are no steps or stacked boxes that would allow your pet a path to the candy). High cabinet storage will also help you monitor the sugar intake of your children especially if candy is out of their reach.
  5. In the event that no high hiding spots are available, keep the candy in a different location every day. This will confuse your dog and hopefully encourage them to give up.
  6. Explain to your child the dangers chocolate and other foods like raisins could be to your dog. Chocolate and some sugar-free mints, raisins, and gum will make dogs very sick and, of course, there is always a choking hazard from both the candy and their wrappers.
  7. Have plenty of dog treats on hand; this way kids can feed Fido a treat when they have one keeping everyone happy. It will also help avoid any bad feelings or sharing of treats from the candy bucket.
  8. Most importantly, tell your kids that if they see their pet eating anything they shouldn’t (candy or otherwise), to let you know immediately, so that you can call a veterinarian if needed.

These tips will help keep the whole family happy and healthy this Halloween.

Be sure to share any other safety tips you may have below.

Happy Halloween!

A brown and white puppy is sitting on a yellow background.
10 Jun, 2024
Raising a puppy can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. However, with the proper guidance and knowledge, you can ensure your pup grows into a happy and well-behaved dog. Here are five easy steps for raising a puppy to help you start on the right track. With these five easy steps, you can help your puppy grow into an obedient and well-mannered companion who will bring joy to your life for years. 5 EASY STEPS FOR RAISING A PUPPY Never leave your puppy unsupervised. Always leave your pup in a crate or confined area where it cannot hurt itself or be destructive. Plus, it will prevent bad habits from developing at an early stage. Socialize your puppy with adults and children. Once your pup receives its inoculations, socialize your dog with other animals. Establish yourself as a pack leader since your puppy is a social pack animal. By establishing yourself as the "Alpha-dog" or leader of the pack, your pup will grow to respect, respond to, bond to, and want to please you. They will also become much happier and more confident dogs. Mix dry food with water before serving so that it looks like a stew. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes before feeding since dry food can expand up to thirty percent. This technique expands in the bowl rather than your pup's stomach, thus avoiding indigestion and possible behavior problems. Touch/Restraint Desensitization Protocol. A daily puppy massage is a great way to give your canine companion a health check and to introduce him to handling. Gently stroke and squeeze your puppy's paws, inspect his paw pads, and touch his nails while praising him for being a good dog. Every so often, offer him a delicious treat. Raising a puppy can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone! Follow these simple steps, and you'll be on your way to raising a wonderful puppy! If you still have problems with socializing or any other dog training, call us at (813) 951-4480 or Florida Dog Training School!
A woman is sitting on a couch with a dog and a laptop.
10 Jun, 2024
Dog training takes time and patience, but teaching your dog new tricks is not impossible. The following article will provide you with the necessary information to start your training journey. Some of the most important things to consider when training a dog are: The dog's age: Different dogs have different levels of maturity and are more or less likely to respond well to specific training methods. For example, puppies can be more complex than adult dogs because they are still in the process of developing their personality and independence from their mother. The dog's temperament: Some breeds are more eager to please than others and may take less time to train, while other dog breeds may require a gentler approach or more time to develop. Here are additional dog training tips you should practice: Regularly brushing your puppy will teach him that brushing is part of his routine, and doing it will get easier as your dog gets older. Let your puppy walk and drag the leash to get accustomed to the pressure of the buckle and leash. Always make it a habit to touch your new puppy's ears, tail, and paws. This dog training tip will help reduce stress and fear during vet examinations or grooming appointments. Regularly brushing your puppy will teach him that brushing is part of his routine, and doing it will get easier as your dog gets older. Let your puppy walk and drag the leash to get accustomed to the pressure of the buckle and leash. Do not play tugging games with your dog as it encourages aggressive behavior. Do not allow your puppy to chew on your hands, feet, or clothes but give the dog a bone or chew toy to bite. Socialization should start as soon as your puppy is vaccinated and continue throughout your dog's life. The safest way to introduce new dogs to each other is when both dogs are on a leash. The safest way to pet a dog is to let the dog sniff your hand before you pet it. Before petting any dog, always ask the dog's owner if it is OK and if the dog is friendly. A puppy that is not housebroken needs to be supervised unless you place the dog in a crate or a localized area. Train Your Dog with Positive Reinforcement Positive reinforcement is a type of reward that encourages the desired behavior. A dog's diet can affect its behavior. A dog who eats high-quality food will have less trouble with aggression and anxiety than a dog who eats low-quality food. Dogs have a natural ability to learn and obey commands. The key is patience and time to train them. It's important not to rush the process because your dog will get frustrated and lose interest if you do. However, dog training is necessary when you own a pet, and Florida Dog Training is one best trainers to help you through the transition. Contact us today to get a free estimate and train your dog great! If you need a certified professional dog trainer in the Tampa, Florida area please contact Helene Scott directly @ 813-951-4480 or submit for a free in-home evaluation today!
A black and white photo of a dog with the words
10 Jun, 2024
Thinking of getting a new puppy, or maybe you’ve already bought your little bundle of fur home? New dog owners can often struggle with housebreaking their new addition. Hopefully these tips from Florida Dog Training School will help you understand what you need to do to be successful. What to Expect in the Beginning When it comes to puppies, a good rule of thumb to go by is that your dog should be able to hold in their pee and poop 1 hour per month old. For example, if your dog is 4 months old, he can only hold pee/poop for a maximum of 4 hours. At nighttime puppies tend to be able hold it longer because they are sleeping. Puppies hold their bladder better when there are no distractions and can be confined to a crate. When you are home, your pup will have to go to the bathroom more often. The reason for this is when you are home he is more active because you are moving around in the house. You should pick up his water bowl and only offer him water after a long nap, after you play or go for a long walk with him, and during his meals. Empty the water bowl only after he drinks and when he walks away from his water dish. When he is not drinking, try to keep the bowl empty. This way if the dog is thirsty he will lick the empty bowl and this will cue you to give him the water. Keep in mind that after he drinks he will probably have to go to the bathroom within 15 to 30 minutes. Keeping a Close Eye on Your Dog The key to housebreaking is supervision. It’s always important to supervise your puppy during outside bathroom time while he is attached to a leash. Interestingly, the leash is a very important tool for potty training. If birds or squirrels distract him, give him a little tug on the leash and say “Go Potty”. This will help teach your pup to focus on sniffing the ground and finding a spot to do his business. Always praise him when he goes to the bathroom outside and give him a treat after he finishes outside but before you go inside the house. If he is distracted and doesn’t go to the bathroom and you know that he has to go, you can put him in his crate or confine him in a place that if he messes on the floor, it is easy to clean up. Try to confine him in a place where he can be supervised so that if you catch him in the act, you can rush him outside to finish up his bathroom activities. As your puppy grows and gets older his schedule will change. However, once the housebreaking is more consistent or when he no longer has accidents, you can cut down on the amount of bathroom walks. As an adult, most dogs should not be required to hold in pee or poop for more than 7 to 8 hours max. If you still have problems with housebreaking, or any other dog training, call us at (813) 951-4480 or contact us at Florida Dog Training School!
A dog is running down a wooden path with people walking behind it.
10 Jun, 2024
Socialization is the key to a happy and healthy dog. It helps build a bond between you and your dog that allows you both to build confidence and trust in one another. Breed, age, and personality will all be a factor in determining how your dog will cope when introduced into new situations. In general, your dog’s behavior is built upon the classic “fight or flight” syndrome. With proper socialization, your dog builds a high tolerance to situations such as very noisy or highly distracted environments. Without it, you may end up with a timid, or even worse, an aggressive dog on your hands. WHAT DOG SOCIALIZATION TEACHES YOU. The process of socialization will help you to recognize your dog’s body language in order to better understand what your dog is trying to communicate. Ultimately, the process of socializing your dog yields a much happier owner as well! If not socialized, your dog could become fearful of certain things or people and may even snap or bite (“fight” mode). This isn’t necessarily because your dog is a ferocious beast, but more likely because he or she hasn’t been exposed to certain situations and may feel cornered or threatened. Another possible outcome of not being socialized properly is a timid dog (“flight” mode). Again, this is because your pet is not used to the variety of settings and noises it is around. A timid dog may hide, cower, rolls onto his back, or even begin trembling. CAN’T I JUST GO TO THE DOG PARK TO SOCIALIZE MY DOG? Bringing your 5 year old dog that has never been socialized before directly to a dog park and letting him off leash is certainly not the most advisable thing to do. Why? Because the safest way to introduce your dog to socialization is on a leash. This is when you have the most control over your dog. While on a leash you can determine what is and isn’t appropriate and will therefore have the greatest opportunity to avoid problems or injury to you, your dog, or to others around you. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF SOCIALIZING MY DOG? There are a great many ADVANTAGES to properly socializing your dog. By setting up controlled situations for your dog’s success, you allow your dog to become more easily adaptable to unknown situations such as meeting other people or dogs, introducing “Rover” to a new family member, or bringing a new pet into the house. To obtain the best results, always introduce your dog to socialization slowly so you do not overwhelm him with too many new stimuli or distractions at once. Both good AND bad experiences are remembered by your dog. Through socialization you can show your dog that a bad experience in the past can be a good, more pleasant experience in the future and will build his or her confidence. This allows your dog to become more adaptable to unfamiliar situations in the future. If you want a confident and happy dog, socialization is a must! Remember, socialization is a key factor in raising a happy, healthy, and secure dog. With regular socialization, your dog will become more comfortable and confident in strange situations and will provide you with a great dog owning experience. CALL NOW FOR A FREE EVALUATION 813-951-4480 in the Tampa Area.
A dog is laying on the floor in a living room.
10 Jun, 2024
Do the neighbors complain that your dog made everyone crazy by howling and barking when you were away? Have you experienced that while away, your dog has ruined some of your favorite household items? These may be the symptoms of separation anxiety in your dog. Florida Dog Training has some suggestions from “private in your home” dog training expert, Helene Scott which can help your dog overcome the separation anxiety while you are away at work, holiday vacation or weekend trips. Go out for a walk with your dog before you leave the house for the day. Every morning take your dog for a brisk and heavy walk. The basic idea is that after the walk, your dog will need to relax and rest. So you can leave for your office without much concern. Do not make a big ordeal for your dog when you leave and return everyday We know that you love your dog a great deal, but making too much eye contact and petting before leaving can make your dog respond with anxiety once you are not there. Make your dog feel that going to the office and coming back is a normal routine every day. Keep calm and behave normal when you leave and the return home. Be calm when you leave Be assertive and don’t show your nervousness and tension for the dog while you are away. You should leave for work confidently. This will help in easing the separation anxiety in the dog. Always start with small amounts of separation Puppy training starts with small things. You should make your puppy learn to stay alone for one hour at a time to start with. Gradually increase this time and eventually you’ll see that the dog can stay alone for a longer duration of time. This is the best way to get your dog accustomed to living alone while you are at your office for as long as six to eight hours. Audio books, radio or leaving the TV on can help your dog Various research has shown that dogs like hearing the human voice and this can help ease the separation anxiety in the dogs while the owner is away. Healthy diet for dogs The best schools providing dog training in Tampa suggest that a healthy diet is another good way of treating the anxiety in your dogs. Behavior change Dogs exhibit separation anxiety when you disrupt their routine. Install a camera that will allow you to speak to your dog throughout the day This can give you peace of mind that the dog is OK. There are special camera that allow you to offer the dog a treat during the day. If your dog is experiencing problems with separation anxiety, you should take the help of professional private in your home dog training experts. Our dog training methods are based on praise and positive reinforcement and NEVER use punishment to obtain results. We believe in working closely with you and your entire family, since you will all be involved in the ongoing training of your dog. If you need a certified professional dog trainer in the Tampa, Florida area please contact Helene Scott directly @ 813-951-4480 or submit for a free in-home evaluation today!
A french bulldog wearing a superman costume is sitting on a rug.
10 Jun, 2024
Train a Good Dog Great Around the world, all ages and all breeds, dog trainers have different methods to achieve their goals. However, no matter the process, at the heart of dog training should be what’s best for the dog and its owner. Helene Scott and Florida Dog Training School love working with dogs and their owners to help train good dogs great! At Florida Dog Training School, our dog training methods are based on praise and positive reinforcement and NEVER use punishment to obtain results. Helene believes in working closely with you and your entire family, since you will all be involved in the ongoing training of your dog. Whether you’re looking for a dog trainer to help with basic domestication of a puppy, behavior problems with an adopted rescue dog (young or old), building your dog's confidence with people, places and things or socialization of a new dog to your current canine population, Helene works with you on all situations and training aspects. 
A woman is giving a high five to a puppy.
10 Jun, 2024
The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and the weather is warming up… it’s Spring! Now’s the perfect time of year to grab the leash and your 4-legged best friend for some much needed outside play. Bond Outside the Box Getting outside of the house for play and exercise can be a great bonding experience for you and your dog. Dogs are used to their homes and surrounding areas. By getting your canine companion out, not only do you have the opportunity to explore new sights, but your dog also gets the chance to try new things. It can even help reduce problem issues caused by separation anxiety. Whether it’s smells, locations or people, introducing your pet to new surroundings is always beneficial. Benefits Galore Does your yard look like someone’s been looking for buried treasure? Having problems with destructive behavior like chewing on carpet, furniture, shoes, etc.? Exercise, along with making sure Fido has the correct chew toy, can significantly help reduce these problems. Taking your dog out for long walks is a huge help in reducing his energy level when he’s in the house. A tired dog is a good dog! Is Your Dog a People Dog? Another great reason to exercise your dog is so he can meet new people, new animals, experience new places and see new things. If you choose different places to walk like a public park, an outside food venue or a strip mall your dog will be able to successfully socialize and be more adaptable to change. Whether you live in a small town or a big city, getting out for exercise and play with your dog is beneficial for not only your pet but you as well. Want to find out more about Florida Dog Training School, it’s experienced trainer and our methods? Visit us here but if you’re in the Tampa area and want to find out more about our dog training services, call us today at 813-951-4480 .
A woman is sitting on the ground with three dogs.
10 Jun, 2024
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and I am here to tell you to stop daydreaming about flowers, chocolates, and the cute little hearts proclaiming “Be Mine” when the perfect valentine has already given their heart and soul to you, but you already know that. Yahoo News recently reported that one in five people would prefer to spend this sacred love day with their pet over their partner. I think we can all agree with that! So here are some reasons why dogs make the best Valentine’s Day companions. - Dogs are super easy to talk to and they don’t talk back. Well, not in human. - Doggie slobber is cute. Human date slobber is disgusting. - You don’t have to share your dessert with a dog or buy them flowers and chocolates (and shouldn’t). - Dogs don’t care if you are “presentable” or not. You don’t have to buy expensive clothes or wear painful but beautiful shoes to hang out with your dog. You don’t even have to shower or put on pants. - Dogs are funny and goofy, and gladly clean food right off the kitchen floor when you drop it. - Pup snuggles are literally the Best. Thing. Ever. And when your dog nuzzles into you and sighs a bit, you will stay still in that exact same position for hours while your arm falls painfully asleep as not to disrupt their comfort. Now that we have determined why your dog makes the perfect companion here are some tips when touching and playing with him. When touching your dog: - Lovingly invite your dog to come to you for attention. Some dogs like to cuddle while others simply like to be near you and not necessarily touched. If Fido gets up from cuddling he should be free to do so. Like humans, sometimes dogs need their own space. It is extremely important to understand your dog’s comfort level with affection. - Scratch your dog on the side of the neck, back, or on his chest. The best way to tell if your dog enjoys it is to stop and if they try to get you to continue you know you are good to go. - People enjoy getting and giving hugs and kisses, but some dogs aren’t fond of this type of affection. Your dog’s personality will dictate the type of loving you can safely and comfortably shower upon your pup. - Invite your dog to sit with you while you read or watch TV. Let them lean on you or put their head on your lap. When playing with your dog: - Play games like fetch and hide and seek that do not involve chasing or rough play. - ake your dog for lots of walks. - Understand your dog and learn to read their body language to better evaluate what your dog is trying to tell you. A happy dog will pant and wag his tail loosely while an anxious dog might show a half moon of white in his eye or he may lick his lips or yawn. If he turns his head or walks away, he wants to be left alone. - A dog that suddenly goes stiff and still is very dangerous and might be ready to bite and should be left alone. Dogs truly make the best Valentine’s Day companion. We love our dogs for so many reasons and want to shower them with love which is why it is so important to understand how to touch and play with them. This requires understanding their body language and personality. Florida Dog Training School of Tampa specializes in teaching these skills to dog owners for a happy and healthy coexistence.
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